Michigan Counselors go from LLPC to LLC in 2022

Miss the latest? I know I did… Limited Licensed Professional Counselors (LLPC) in Michigan are now called Limited Licensed Counselors (LLC). Small change, but LARGE impact.

You know what shouldn’t be difficult….finding the answer to when this change in title happened and what expectations LARA has for, now, Limited Licensed Counselors. Nevertheless - we never received notice from LARA of this change, I read about it in a Facebook group. Which lead me to do my own research. Here is what you need to know

  1. You need to register for a MI PLUS Account HERE (you’ll need this to renew your license when it’s time anyway)

  2. Once you register you’ll be able to log in and toggle to the “search for a license page”

3. Once on the search a license page, you can type in any information you know about the license holder. I’d recommend searching for yourself. Make sure you choose “Limited Licensed Counselor” in the License Type box.

4. You’re LLC information should appear. If not, connect with your supervisor to trouble shoot.

I haven’t seen any rules or expectations in regards to this change from LARA or the counseling board. In the interim, I’ll make the following recommendations

  • Change your credentials on any materials where you used to list LLPC. (I know, so irritating… I had to change the name of my entire BUSINESS! The Michigan LLPC Supervisor to The Michigan LPC Supervisor. I wonder if LARA will reimburse me for the re-branding?)

  • Change the info over in your disclosure statement and resubmit a copy to LARA. This is a good reminder that anytime your practice changes (locations, types, client facing charges… you’ll need to submit a new disclosure statement to LARA and ensure that all of your clients are offered a new copy).

  • Have a conversation with your supervisor and your client’s about this change so no one is caught off guard and everything is clear. The explanation is easy - this was simply a licensing change, that doesn’t have an impact outside of the need to re-print and recreate marketing materials, business cards, websites etc.

For further updates about the LLPC to LLC change, I’d recommend following Michigan LPCs Advocacy and Action on Facebook, and becoming a member of the Michigan Mental Health Counseling Association.

Elizabeth Carr, LPC, ACS

Elizabeth is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Approved Clinical Supervisor practicing in Michigan and also licensed in Texas. Therapeutic experience includes working with adults and children who experience anxiety, depression and emotion dysregulation.


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The no Suprises Act and the Michgian LPC