How do I find an LPC Supervisor in Michigan; Navigating Remote Supervision for LPCs.

In today's rapidly evolving world, the field of counseling is not immune to change. As licensed professional counselors (LPCs) continue to provide vital mental health services, it's crucial to adapt to new circumstances, including emergencies that may restrict in-person interactions. Fortunately, regulatory bodies like LARA (Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs) are stepping up to support LPCs by allowing remote supervision during states of emergency. In this blog post, we'll explore what this means for LPCs and offer guidance on navigating remote supervision effectively.

Understanding Remote Supervision for LPCs

LARA defines supervision as the overseeing or participation in the work of LPCs by licensed health professionals under specific conditions. These conditions include continuous direct communication, regular availability for review and consultation, and the provision of predetermined procedures and drug protocols. While traditionally conducted in person, LARA's recent guidance acknowledges the feasibility and importance of remote supervision, particularly during emergencies.

Benefits of Remote Supervision

Remote supervision offers several benefits for LPCs, supervisors, and clients alike:

  1. Flexibility: Remote supervision allows LPCs and supervisors to connect from anywhere, offering flexibility in scheduling and eliminating geographical barriers.

  2. Accessibility: LPCs in remote or underserved areas can access supervision more easily, enhancing professional development and improving client care.

  3. Efficiency: With remote supervision, LPCs can streamline administrative tasks, such as record-keeping and scheduling, leading to more efficient supervision sessions.

  4. Continuity of Care: During emergencies when in-person interactions may be limited, remote supervision ensures continuity of care for clients, maintaining support for their mental health needs.

Navigating Remote Supervision Effectively

To make the most of remote supervision, LPCs can follow these tips:

  1. Communication is Key: Maintain open and frequent communication with your supervisor using reliable telecommunication tools. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss cases, seek guidance, and receive feedback.

  2. Embrace Technology: Familiarize yourself with teleconferencing platforms and other digital tools for virtual supervision sessions. Ensure that you have a secure and private environment for these sessions.

  3. Stay Organized: Keep thorough records of supervision sessions, including case notes, progress reports, and any agreements reached with your supervisor. This documentation is essential for meeting regulatory requirements and tracking your professional growth.

  4. Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to colleagues, professional organizations, or online forums for additional support and guidance on remote supervision practices.

As LPCs navigate the challenges of providing mental health services during emergencies, remote supervision emerges as a valuable solution. By embracing technology and maintaining effective communication with supervisors, LPCs can continue to grow professionally and provide high-quality care to their clients. With LARA's support and guidance, the future of remote supervision looks promising for the counseling profession.

Checkout the Michigan Mental Health Counselors Association’s (MMHCA) website to keep up to date with requirements for LPCs (and limited license counselors) in the state of Michigan.

Elizabeth Carr, LPC, ACS

Elizabeth is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Approved Clinical Supervisor practicing in Michigan and also licensed in Texas. Therapeutic experience includes working with adults and children who experience anxiety, depression and emotion dysregulation.

Michigan LPC Supervisor rule changes as of May 2023


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